NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Which is The Better Email Verification Tool?

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically - find out which email verification tool is better. Compare features, accuracy, & cost to choose the best option for your email list.

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NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Which is The Better Email Verification Tool?
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Bounce rate - the one thing that can break your email marketing campaign!
The standard limit for bounced emails is 2%. This means that for every 100 emails you send, 2 will be returned. High bounce rates can make your email marketing expensive and hurt your company's reputation.
Unfortunately, the bounce rate is increasing every year. In 2022, 22.71% of all emails checked were found to be invalid and risky, rising to 25.74% in 2023.
The best solution to this problem is using email verification tools. They clean your email list to ensure all your messages reach the right people.
Today, we'll compare two popular options: NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically. We'll look at their features, accuracy, and cost to help you choose the best tool for your needs.

What is Email Verification?

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Source: Freepik
Email verification is the process of checking if an email address is real and working. It helps make sure the emails you send reach the right people and aren't wasted on invalid addresses.
By confirming the validity of email addresses, you can reduce bounced emails and improve the chances of your messages being delivered successfully.
Here's an example for better understanding:
When checking an email list, email verification tools examine each email address individually to make sure it exists and is valid. For instance, if you have a list with addresses like "" and "invalid@email," the tool flags "invalid@email" as non-existent or risky, helping you clean your list and ensure accurate communication.

What are Email Verification Tools?

Source: Freepik
Source: Freepik
Email verification tools are software solutions that validate the accuracy and legitimacy of email addresses. They ensure email lists are free from errors, such as typos or inactive addresses. These tools help maintain a clean and effective email database for successful communication.

Tasks Performed by Email Verification Tools

Email validation tools assist with various email list management tasks:
  • Syntax Verification: Confirms email addresses adhere to standard format, detecting issues like misspellings.
  • Disposable Email Check: Identifies and blocks temporary email addresses to maintain list cleanliness.
  • DKIM Testing: Verifies proper configuration by adding digital signatures to sent emails.
  • MX Record Scanning: Validates mail server configuration for receiving emails.
  • SMTP Verification: Ensures optimal SMTP server setup for email delivery.
  • DNSBL Identification: Monitors domain/IP address presence on blacklists to protect sender reputation.
  • Spam Trap Detection: Flags addresses designed to catch spammers, preventing deliverability issues.
  • Catch-All and Role-Based Email Filtering: Eliminates non-personal addresses like "support" or "contact" to optimize email campaigns.

Benefits of Using Email Verification Tools

If you are someone who maintains an email list for marketing purposes, it is important to use an email verification tool. Here are some key benefits of using these tools.
  • Ensures email addresses are correct and active
  • Reduces bounce rates
  • Improves email deliverability
  • Maintains sender reputation
  • Saves time and resources
  • Enhances engagement with real recipients
  • Provides accurate campaign metrics
  • Protects against spam traps
  • Increases ROI by reaching targeted audience

What is NeverBounce?

Source: NeverBounce
Source: NeverBounce
Established in 2014 and backed by ZoomInfo, NeverBounce is one of the top email verification tools in the market. It is known for email list cleaning and verification, reducing bounce rates and improving deliverability.
With advanced algorithms, NeverBounce checks addresses against databases in real-time, identifying valid, invalid, or risky ones. This helps avoid spam filters and ensures emails are sent only to active addresses, increasing the likelihood of responses and minimizing the risk of being marked as spam.

What is VerifyMagically?

Launched in 2023, VerifyMagically is a modern email verification tool. Its main aim is to turn lead lists into valuable contacts by quickly verifying even the toughest email addresses with real-time catch-all validation.
Praised for its fast speed, it handles large email volumes well, competing with established tools like ZeroBounce and NeverBounce. VerifyMagically also provides competitive pricing and easy API integration, suitable for businesses of any size.

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically - Comparision

The effectiveness of your email campaign relies on the quality of your email list. That's why selecting the correct email verification tool is crucial.
Today, we'll compare NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically to determine which offers the best features at the most competitive price. While NeverBounce is a familiar name, VerifyMagically, though newer, presents compelling features at an affordable price point.
So, let's compare NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically to see which suits you best.

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Accuracy Rate

  • NeverBounce
NeverBounce claims an accuracy rate of 99.9% in email validation, thanks to its hybrid verification method combining accept all detection with real-time verification. Additionally, they offer a refund if the bounce rate exceeds 3%.
However, some sources indicate its accuracy is around 97 to 98%. Also, users report that results for Yahoo email addresses are not always reliable.
  • VerifyMagically
Despite being a new tool, VerifyMagically not only claims but actually offers 99% accuracy. This is achieved through powerful algorithms that verify email addresses with high precision. VerifyMagically is a reliable choice for keeping email lists clean and effective.

Winner: VerifyMagically

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Key Features

  • NeverBounce
NeverBounce offers three key features:
  1. Verify: Instantly checks individual email addresses.
  1. Clean: Facilitates fast bulk email list cleaning, identifying if your list needs cleaning.
  1. Sync: Automates list cleaning by integrating with email providers or CRMs, ensuring verified and campaign-ready email lists.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically's main feature is real-time email validation, including catch-all validation. Unlike basic SMTP validation used by most tools, VerifyMagically can verify emails with high-security levels, giving you 20% to 30% more leads.
While it doesn't offer as many features as NeverBounce, its strength lies in fast service, bulk processing, and catch-all validation, making it highly effective.

Winner: Tie

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Speed

  • NeverBounce
Depending on the types of emails in your list, NeverBounce handles 10,000 emails in 2 to 10 minutes. A typical job of 100,000 emails is finished in 45 minutes on average. While the tool is fast, it's not the quickest. If you have a big list and need to send marketing emails, you might want more speed.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically is known for its bulk processing speed. It can handle thousands of emails within minutes, though processing times may vary depending on list size. This ensures fast and efficient email verification to meet the needs of all sizes of businesses.

Winner: VerifyMagically

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Realtime Risky Validation

  • NeverBounce
NeverBounce offers real-time validation with its Verify feature. You can use it to easily verify emails at the point of entry, saving a lot of time. You can also integrate it into lead pages, registration forms, or any email collection point.
  • VerifyMagically
While most email verification tools offer real-time validation, VerifyMagically provides real-time validation for all email types, including risky ones. This results in 20% to 30% more verified emails than other tools.
VerifyMagically validates all email types, including risky and invalid ones, at no extra cost, enhancing email list accuracy with more valid emails.

Winner: VerifyMagically

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Bulk Processing

  • NeverBounce
NeverBounce supports bulk email validation with its Clean feature. It uses a proprietary 20+ step cleaning process, checking each email up to 75 times worldwide. No matter how long your email list is, you can easily get it processed with NeverBounce.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically can verify email lists of any size, from 1,000 to 1,000,000 emails. It maintains high accuracy in cleaning your email list, no matter how big it is. Whether your list is small or large, VerifyMagically ensures efficient and accurate processing, providing reliability for all list sizes.

Winner: VerifyMagically

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: API Integration

  • NeverBounce
NeverBounce integrates with top email marketing platforms including Mailchimp, Marketo, Shopify, HubSpot, WordPress, and nearly 100 other services. It also offers Zapier integration for additional customization options. You can also build your own integration with custom API, JavaScript widget, or webhook options.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically offers APIs for both single and bulk email validation without any rate limits. These APIs also include real-time validation for risky catch-all emails. Whether you need to check one email or thousands, the API integration ensures seamless and efficient email verification with no restrictions.

Winner: Tie

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Ease of Use

  • NeverBounce
NeverBounce's user interface is easy to use, with simple menus and controls for email verification. The dashboard gives a quick look at verification activities, and tooltips and guides help users navigate the platform easily. However, new users may still find it a bit overwhelming at first.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically is easy to use because it mainly focuses on email validation. Its user interface is simple and made for beginners, so it's easy to understand. Since its main focus is email validation, you can use VerifyMagically without any complications. It's also easy to create your own account, and the dashboard is simple to access.

Winner: VerifyMagically

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Security

  • NeverBounce
NeverBounce ensures your privacy and security, promising not to use your emails for their own marketing. They claim to have top-level security, similar to banks but don't provide much information about it.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically ensures your data is safe with strong encryption and GDPR compliance. The tool uses advanced measures to protect your information from unauthorized access or changes. The focus on privacy means your sensitive data remains secure while using the platform.

Winner: VerifyMagically

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Customer Support

  • NeverBounce
NeverBounce provides customer support via live chat, phone, and email from 9 am to 6 pm EST. Additionally, their Help Desk is available 24/7 for common questions and answers. However, numerous customer reviews mention poor customer support.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically offers 24/7 customer support, meaning you can get help whenever you need it. We also have informative blogs and a Status Page to check the tool's performance. Whether you need help or want updates, we provide accessible support options and useful resources.

Winner: VerifyMagically

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Pricing

  • NeverBounce
NeverBounce offers flexible pricing options tailored to different needs, including pay-as-you-go and monthly plans for automated cleaning.
Pay-as-you-go rates start at $0.008 per email for up to 10,000 emails. For automated sync, rates begin at $10 per month for up to 1000 emails and increase to $999 per month for up to 1,000,000 emails.
The price for validating 10K emails with NeverBounce is around $50. While it is affordable compared to other tools like ZeroBounce, the price is still higher. The tools also offer free credits to use for testing when you request a demo.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically is one of the most cost-effective tools for email validation. We offer budget-friendly plans tailored to different needs, ensuring quality without sacrificing affordability.
You can verify 10,000 emails for just $36, and our popular plan with 1 million credits is discounted to only $389. Plus, you receive 250 complimentary credits, making it a great value for your verification needs.

Winner: VerifyMagically

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically: Customer Review

  • NeverBounce
Being a decade-old email verification tool, NeverBounce has many online reviews. The tool has a 4.4 rating with 43 reviews on sites like Capterra and Getapp, reflecting its reliability and effectiveness in email verification.
It is favored for checking the quality of old databases from events and campaigns. Also users find it a great solution for agencies. However, some users have concerns about support and accuracy.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically, though new, has pleased users with its accurate and cost-effective email verification. While it lacks as many reviews as competitors like NeverBounce, its growing reputation among satisfied customers is evident. Users praise its catch-all email verification and API integration, citing improved email campaigns.

Winner: VerifyMagically

NeverBounce vs VerifyMagically- The Verdict

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After comparing the two tools, VerifyMagically comes out on top with its accurate email verification, user-friendly interface, catch-all email verification capability and budget-friendly pricing. While NeverBounce offers similar features, VerifyMagically's focus on accuracy, affordability, and dependable assistance makes it the ideal choice for businesses seeking reliable email validation solutions.
VerifyMagically = More Leads + Lesser Price VerifyMagically sets itself apart by using advanced email validation techniques. Unlike other tools that only perform basic checks, VerifyMagically verifies catch-all emails in real-time. This unique approach results in 20% to 30% more verified emails compared to other verification tools. With VerifyMagically, you can effortlessly expand your contact list by 30-40% and capture more leads.

VerifyMagically - The Winner

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Did you know there are hundreds of email verification tools available? While big names like ZeroBounce and NeverBounce often dominate searches, newer options like VerifyMagically offer superior features at lower rates.
Our comparison guide highlights how VerifyMagically enhances email list management, delivering 30% more leads by accurately verifying catch-all emails. Sign up for free and receive 250 credits to experience the difference firsthand.

Verify emails with 99% accuracy 🥷🏼

Get 30% more leads verified than with any other email validation tool on the market today