MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Which Is Better for Email Verification?

Compare MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically to find the best email verification service. Explore their features, pricing, and accuracy to make an informed choice.

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MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Which Is Better for Email Verification?
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Do you know what's the key to successful email marketing? Maintaining a clean email list!
Experts now recommend cleaning your list every six months, or even more frequently, due to rising bounce rates.
Thankfully, email verification tools can make this process easier for you!
MillionVerifier and VerifyMagically are two popular tools that help guarantee your emails reach the right inboxes.
But which tool is better?
This article will compare MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically, examining their features, accuracy, and pricing to help you make an informed choice for your business needs.
So, let's get started!

What is Email Verification?

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Source: Freepik
Email verification is the process of checking whether an email address is valid and active. It looks for -
  • Mistakes in the address
  • Confirms the domain
  • Ensures the mailbox exists
This helps avoid sending emails to wrong or inactive addresses, reducing bounce rates and making email marketing more effective.


Imagine you have an email list for your newsletter. You run the list through an email verification tool, which checks each address.
It identifies if any addresses have typos, like "" instead of "" The tool also checks if the domain is active and if the mailbox exists.
The Result - your emails reach real users, the bounce rate decreases and your newsletter becomes successful.

Importance of Email Verification

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Source: Freepik
When it comes to email marketing - quality is more important than quantity. And that's where email verification can help.
Did you know?
  • 64% of small businesses use email marketing.
  • But, about 20% of email addresses in databases are invalid.
  • And guess what? Invalid emails can lead to bounce rates of over 5%.
  • However, with regular email verification - you can improve deliverability by up to 98%.
Here’s why email verification matters:
  • Helps maintain a clean and effective email list
  • Reduces email bounce rates
  • Improves sender reputation
  • Protects your domain from being blacklisted
  • Increases email deliverability
  • Saves overall email marketing costs
  • Boosts email engagement rates

What is MillionVerifier?

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MillionVerifier is a well-known, cloud-based email verification solution for businesses with higher verification needs. With this tool, you will get a wide range of services from - cleaning email lists to blocking temporary/disposable emails.
This bulk email verification tool checks email addresses in large lists. It quickly identifies outdated emails, typos, spam traps, and other invalid addresses. MillionVerifier also provides automatic cleaning as well as real-time verification.
The tool also ensures compliance with GDPR and other EU data protection standards by verifying email addresses securely. The best part? MillionVerifier offers an API. This means - you can easily integrate it with third-party applications.

Key Features

  • Clean Old Email Lists: Remove outdated and invalid email addresses from your existing lists. This helps you to improve the quality and effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Email Checker: MillionVerifier lets you manually check individual emails using its email checker feature. Enter the email to verify if it's valid or not.
  • Bulk Email Verifier: With this feature, you can quickly verify large batches of email addresses to identify and remove invalid ones, saving you time and effort.
  • Real-Time Email Verification: Verify email addresses instantly as they are entered on your website. This guarantees that only valid emails are captured and prevents bad data entry.
  • Block Temporary / Disposable Emails: Prevent the use of temporary or disposable email addresses, which can distort your marketing metrics and waste your resources.
  • Integrations Import: Easily connect MillionVerifier with 17 major email marketing platforms, streamlining your email verification process and integrating seamlessly with your current tools.
  • Email Verifier API: You can also integrate MillionVerifier's email verification capabilities directly into your applications or systems with its API.
  • Automated Email Verification: MillionVerifier offers a tool called EverClean which helps to automatically verify emails and maintain the cleanliness of your email list.
  • Free EmailAcademy PRO: You can also access advanced email marketing tools and resources through MillionVerifier's partnership with EmailAcademy.
Did you know? MillionVerifier was previously known as HuBoCo. Businesses have been relying on this tool for over 6 years now.

What is VerifyMagically?

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VerifyMagicall is a modern email verification and validation tool for businesses of all sizes. You can easily boost your email marketing efficiency with its advanced features. It offers real-time validation as well as bulk verification, even for challenging email addresses.
With this tool, you can easily validate catch-all emails as well. This way - you get a more refined list with better leads. Known for its speed, it quickly handles large email volumes and has competitive pricing.
You can easily integrate the platform into your existing systems using an API, making operations smoother and more efficient. This integration benefits both developers and marketers.

Key Features

  • Realtime Risky Validation: VerifyMagically checks all types of emails instantly, including risky ones. This ensures more accurate verification compared to basic tools.
  • Bulk Processing: This tool verifies email lists ranging from 1,000 to 1 million emails at once. It helps to quickly process bulk lists in just a few minutes.
  • API Integration: Easily integrates into existing systems using APIs for both individual and bulk email validation, with no limits on usage.
  • Catch-All Email Validation: VerifyMagically instantly validates catch-all emails, providing thorough verification of difficult-to-validate addresses. This guarantees accuracy in email validation.
  • High Accuracy: The tool provides a 99% accuracy rate in identifying valid email addresses. This minimises the risk of sending invalid or non-existent emails.
  • Widget Integration: Easily integrate VerifyMagically's email verification functionality into your website or application using the Widget.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: Provides continuous customer assistance to resolve queries and ensure smooth operation of the verification process.
  • Security and GDPR Compliance: Offers complete email data security with encryption and complies with GDPR.
  • Status Page: Offers a Status Page on the website to check the current operational status of the tool.
Established in 2023, VerifyMagically is a fairly new email verification tool. However, it is trusted by 1000+ companies and backed by a large customer base.

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MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically - Comparision

Confused between MillionVerifier and VerifyMagically? Here's a detailed comparison of both tools based on accuracy, speed, user experience, pricing, API access and many more features.
Take a look at this table to compare MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically.
99% claim
99% claim
Speed of Verification
3,000 emails per minute
Fast processing
Bulk Processing
Millions of emails
Millions of emails
Realtime Validation
API integration for real-time checks
API integration for real-time checks
Risky Email Validation
Low accuracy
High accuracy
Catch-All Email Validation
Offers, but accuracy issues reported
Advanced validation for catch-all emails
Integration & API Access
Integrates with 18 platforms, API available
API for unlimited verifications
Customer Support
Live chat, no direct phone support
24/7 live chat, email support, resources
User Experience
Intuitive interface, various features
Simple, customizable UI, dedicated blog
$37 for 10K credits, additional fees
$36 for 10K credits
Customer Reviews
Positive ratings, some complaints
Positive feedback, growing user base

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MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Performance and Accuracy

When it comes to choosing an email verification tool, the first thing to consider is the accuracy rate. Why? Because even a difference between 95% and 99% accuracy is significant - especially when validating large email lists for campaigns.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier claims a 99% accuracy rate, which is impressive for bulk verification. However, user reviews indicate some challenges: it struggles with catch-all addresses and Yahoo emails. While effective, there’s room for improvement.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically boasts a 99% accuracy rate, and users generally agree. Customers report that it effectively identifies outdated, incorrect, catch-all, and spam-trap emails. This helps you to filter out risky addresses even with large daily email volumes.

Winner: VerifyMagically

In terms of email list verification accuracy, VerifyMagically stands out. Even with similar reported accuracy, customer feedback favors VerifyMagically for improving deliverability.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Speed of Verification

Speed of verification is another important factor you must consider when choosing an email verification tool. Why? Because bulk processing takes time. While some tools take hours, others can complete the same task in just under one hour.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier processes bulk emails at a rate of 3,000 emails per minute, including re-verification, typically completed in 45 minutes. This allows for 10,000 emails in 4-49 minutes, 100,000 in 33-78 minutes and 1 million emails in under 6 hours.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically is known for processing bulk emails with accuracy and speed. It can quickly process thousands of emails within minutes, although the exact time can vary based on the size of the list being verified.

Winner: VerifyMagically

MillionVerifier processes emails at a speed similar to most tools. However, VerifyMagically is faster, handling the same amount of emails in less time, according to customer reviews.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Bulk Processing

When comparing MillionVerifier and VerifyMagically, consider their bulk processing capabilities. This is crucial because it determines how many emails the tools can verify at once.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier allows bulk verification of up to 1 million emails. Just click to upload or drag and drop your contact file. It also verifies single emails with its email checker feature.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically handles bulk email verification for any list size - from 1,000 to 1,000,000 emails. It offers efficient and precise processing for both small and large lists.

Winner: Tie

It's a tie as both tools support bulk processing and can verify millions of emails at once, guaranteeing efficient handling of large email lists.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Realtime Validation

Real-time validation checks email addresses immediately upon entry, confirming their validity before further use. This is vital for maintaining high email deliverability rates and safeguarding sender reputation.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier offers real-time email verification through its API, allowing websites to instantly validate email addresses during visitor input. This prevents bad emails from entering lists, and safeguards email reputation.
Moreover, MillionVerifier's EverClean feature integrates with popular email marketing tools and automatically scans and cleans your email lists daily.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically also provides a real-time email validation feature that automatically verifies newly submitted emails to ensure accuracy and validity. This helps you to maintain clean email lists and improve email deliverability rates effectively.

Winner: Tie

Both tools offer real-time email validation capabilities, making it a tie in this regard. However, make sure you focus on the accuracy of real-time validation as well.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Risky Email Validation

This involves identifying and verifying emails that are likely to cause issues, such as spam traps, temporary emails, or addresses known for high bounce rates. It helps maintain a clean email list and improves deliverability.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier verifies various types of emails such as valid, invalid, disposable, catch-all, and role-based emails. However, there isn't detailed information on risky email validation available on their website.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically effectively identifies risky and invalid emails as part of its standard validation process. Compared to many other tools, it helps protect your sender reputation by detecting more risky emails with higher accuracy. It can even validate risky emails in real-time.

Winner: VerifyMagically

When it comes to risky email validation, VeriFyMagically outperforms MillionVerifier. It helps to detect more risky emails and that too with high accuracy. This way - you will get more valid emails than you would be able to get with MillionVerifier.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Catch-All Email Validation

Catch-all emails are set up to receive emails sent to any address at a domain (e.g., Catch-all validation checks if these addresses exist to make sure that the emails reach actual recipients. This helps to improve targeting and lowers bounce rates.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier offers catch-all email validation, but it's not too great at it. Many users have reported issues with its accuracy in verifying these types of emails.
  • VerifyMagically
On the other hand, VerifyMagically stands out by offering advanced catch-all email validation alongside basic SMTP validation. This feature guarantees that even emails configured to accept all addresses at a domain are thoroughly verified, giving you 20% to 30% more leads.

Winner: VerifyMagically

While MillionVerifier can validate catch-all emails - its accuracy is low. In comparison, VerifyMagically claims to offer 20% to 30% more verified emails to help you validate catch-all emails with accuracy.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Integration Capabilities and API Access

Integration capabilities and API access refer to a tool's ability to connect with other software systems seamlessly. This is crucial for automating workflows and improving efficiency in managing email verification processes across different platforms.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier offers smooth integration with 18 major email marketing, CRM and other platforms like - Mailchimp, Sendinblue, Campaign Monitor, Zoho CRM, Hubspot and more. Moreover, it also offers custom integration with any database.
It also operates an API which helps you to easily connect the email verification tool directly through your website or application. This way, you can easily verify emails in real time.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically provides APIs for verifying both single emails and bulk email lists, free from any rate limitations. You can easily connect it with your platform or system to enjoy unrestricted email verification. These APIs support real-time validation, particularly for catch-all risky emails.
Moreover, the tool also features a Widget that integrates easily into websites, allowing you to verify emails directly on your platforms. This widget improves user experience by offering quick email validation without needing to leave the site.

Winner: Tie

Both MillionVerifier and VerifyMagically can connect easily with many platforms and have APIs that let you verify emails without limits. It's a tie for integration and API access.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Customer Support

Good customer support is essential for email verification tools to assist users with technical issues. The tool should offer the necessary help and support for optimal email list management.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier provides customer support primarily through a live chat feature on their website. The average response time is six minutes but reviews showed wait times exceeding 20 minutes at times.
And guess what? There is no option for direct phone support or email communication provided as an alternative.
However, there is a Help page with answers to basic customer queries and a Status page to check the working status of the tool.
  • VerifyMagically
On the other hand, VerifyMagically provides round-the-clock customer support. There is 24/7 live chat support where you can choose to talk to a human agent.
You can also visit the contact us page on the website and leave your email address and phone number with a description of your query and the team will get back to you with a quick resolution.
Moreover, there are informative blogs, FAQs as well as a Status Page to monitor tool performance, making it easy to get assistance and stay informed about updates.

Winner: VerifyMagically

VerifyMagically emerges as the winner due to its round-the-clock live chat support, informative resources like blogs and FAQs, and a Status Page for performance updates.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: User Experience and User Interface

Considering user experience and interface in email verification tools is crucial as it directly impacts ease of use and efficiency. A user-friendly interface can help you manage email verification tasks effectively.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier offers a user-friendly experience with its intuitive web application and easy-to-navigate website. The tool helps you to keep track of your credit balance, and even download the data in CSV file.
Moreover, the account creation process is quite easy and doesn't take much time. The best part is that you can also add sub-users to your account. This way - you don't have to share your password with others.
You will also get low-credit notifications along with an auto top-up feature to buy more credits. Another good thing about MillionVerifier is free access to Email Academy tools and courses for Pro users.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically offers a straightforward email verification tool with a user-friendly interface. It's easy to navigate, and signing up takes just a minute or can be done directly via Google.
The website provides clear details on features, pricing, and FAQs for transparency. You can customize the website theme (light, dark, or system) to suit your preference and access a dedicated blog with search and share functions.
Additionally, you can subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of the page for updates and news.

Winner: Tie

Both the tools are simple and easy to use. You don't need any technical experience to use them for email verification. The dashboard is quite easy to navigate and designed especially for beginners.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Security

Security is important for email verification tools to keep user data safe from breaches and protect sensitive information like email addresses.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier prioritizes user data security by adhering to GDPR compliance and ensuring no data selling or unauthorized use. They offer a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) for transparency and protection, reinforcing trust and data privacy.
You can also protect your account by setting up rules for which IP addresses can access it. Plus, you can add an extra layer of security with Google Authenticator, making sure only you can log in.
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically keeps your data safe with strong security measures and follows GDPR rules. They use advanced security features to make sure no one can get or change your information without permission, keeping everything private and secure when you use the platform.
The website is safe and secure and your account is password-protected to safeguard all the data. And guess what? VerifyMagically doesn't use or misuse your data, unlike other email verification services.

Winner: Tie

Both tools have robust security measures in place to keep data safe and secure. You can safely use any of the tools for your email verification needs.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Pricing and Value for Money

Considering pricing and value for money is important when choosing email verification tools because it ensures you get the best service without overspending, maximizing your investment in maintaining a clean email list.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier offers straightforward pricing - you choose the number of emails you need to verify. For instance, verifying 10,000 emails costs a one-time fee of $37.
Their pricing starts at $4.9 for 2,000 email credits, effective for various email uses. And if you want automated email verification - EverClean - you have to pay an additional $15 monthly for up to 10,000 emails.
You can try MillionVerifier for free and receive up to 200 verification credits upon signing up. Connecting your email marketing software during the trial can earn you - 10,000 verification credits. Moreover, MillionVerifiers offers a 100% money-back guarantee policy for new customers.
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  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically offers budget-friendly plans designed to meet different needs, guaranteeing affordability without compromising quality. There is no monthly payment - you can buy only what you need.
You can verify 10,000 emails for only $36, and their top plan with 1 million credits is discounted to just $389. Plus, you get 250 free credits, making it a cost-effective choice for your verification requirements.
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Winner: VerifyMagically

When it comes to pricing - VerifyMagically is a bit more affordable compared to MillionVerifier. And you also get 25 credits for free upon signing up, compared to only 200 credits offered by MillionVerifier.
While the price difference might seem small, it can make a big difference when you need bulk verification credits. Remember - even a dollar saved can make your email marketing campaign more successful.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the reliability and effectiveness of email verification tools. Let's see what the audience has to say about these tools.
  • MillionVerifier
MillionVerifier is a trusted email verification tool with positive ratings across various platforms. Let's explore its customer feedback and ratings.
  1. G2: 4.5/5 (23 Reviews)
  1. GetApp: 4.4/5 (99 Reviews)
  1. Capterra: 4.4/5 (99 Reviews)
  1. Software Advice: 4.4/5 (99 Reviews)
  1. Trustpilot: 4.6/5 (180 Reviews)
Most users praise MillionVerifier for its user-friendly interface, budget-friendly pricing, and effective bulk email verification capabilities.
Yet, some have noted delays in verification, issues with catch-all email accuracy, and frequent promotional pop-ups.
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Source: Capterra
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Source: G2
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Source: GetApp
  • VerifyMagically
VerifyMagically, though relatively new, is gaining traction with positive customer feedback despite limited reviews on major platforms.
According to reviews, customers appreciate VerifyMagically for its speed, accuracy, and capability to validate catch-all and risky emails. Many clients also find its API beneficial for enhancing email marketing campaigns.
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Winner: Tie

Both tools have garnered positive feedback for their respective strengths. MillionVerifier excels in user-friendliness and affordability, while VerifyMagically is praised for speed, accuracy, and robust API integration.

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Pros and Cons

Now that we've completed the comparison, let's get into the strengths and weaknesses of each tool to get a clearer understanding of their capabilities.


• User-friendly interface
• Delayed verification times
• Affordable pricing
• Issues with catch-all email accuracy
• Bulk email verification capabilities
• Promotional pop-ups during use
• Integration with major email marketing tools
• Poor risky email validation
• Transparent credit balance tracking


• High speed and accuracy
• Limited reviews on major platforms
• Validates catch-all and risky emails
• Relatively new with a less established reputation
• Robust API integration
• Simple and intuitive user interface
• Realtime email validation
• Affordable pricing with free credits

MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically: Final Verdict

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Drumrolls, please!
After comparing MillionVerifier and VerifyMagically, both tools offer reliable email verification solutions. MillionVerifier excels with its established reputation, user-friendly interface, and extensive integration capabilities.
However, VerifyMagically stands out for its superior accuracy, affordability, and smooth API integration. The main highlight is its ability to accurately validate risky and catch-all emails, potentially providing 20% to 30% more verified emails compared to other tools.
More verified emails = More leads
That too at a lower cost compared to MillionVerifier and many other email verification tools.
For the best fit, try both tools as they offer free credits to test their capabilities before making your final decision.

Wrapping Up

And that's a wrap for MillionVerifier vs VerifyMagically!
Remember that selecting the best email verification tool is vital for successful email marketing campaigns. Factors such as accuracy, affordability, and ease of integration should guide your choice.
Share your experiences or ask questions about MillionVerifier or VerifyMagically in the comments below - your feedback helps others make informed decisions!

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Get 30% more leads verified than with any other email validation tool on the market today